NMFRC Library Subscription
The NMFRC Library is the most extensive collection of full text metal finishing articles and papers available in the world. With a $40 annual subscription, you have full access to the entire library and its superior search capability. Here's a specific breakdown of the Resource Library's digital holdings:
- Nearly all Plating and Surface Finishing1 articles: 1993 to 2011
(plus many earlier articles)
- Other NASF articles: 2012 to present
- Most SUR/FIN conference proceedings: 1993 to 2005
- Partial SUR/FIN conference proceedings: 2006 to present
- All AESF/EPA conference proceedings: 1993 to 2004
- Journal of Applied Surface Finishing: 2006 to 2008
- Various other conference proceedings (e.g., Chromium and Airline/Aerospace forums)
- U.S. Defense Department articles
- Other industry resources
Overall, the Resource Library contains more than 8,000 articles or papers and more are added each month!!!
Advanced Search Capability
The NMFRC library allows you to search for information in various manners. For example, you can casually browse through Plating and Surface Finishing on a month by month basis, just like you do now with that stack journals on your desk. But, when you have a specific information need, you will want to take advantage of the library's versatile search capability. Here, you can start with a simple keyword search or use the more sophisticated "and/or" word function. You can also limit the timeframe of the search. In any case, search results give you an organized list of articles and papers to choose from, starting with the most recently published. Clicking on a title sends you to an abstract page with the option to download and view the full article as an Adobe PDF document or html file.
1Plating and Surface Finishing magazine is published by the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF). (prior to 2007, P&SF was published by the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society (AESF)).